Instructions for CF + iText + PdfPageEventHelper Example (Festivus for the Rest of Us)
Now it is time for the airing of grievances..
Perhaps I should be flattered, but I dislike articles that assume I know everything there is to know about the topic at hand. Let us face it, if I were omniscient I would not be would be reading the article in the first place ;) So for people like me, here are some detailed instructions to accompany the previous entry on using the PdfPageEventHelper.For those that hate detailed instructions, well .. I am still airing my grievances. Wait your turn ;)
What you will need for the example:
1. Eclipse. Yes, you could use another IDE. However, since I am using Eclipse, you are on your own for instructions ;-)2. Download the iText-2.0.7.jar (or newer) available at
Example: My iText jar is located in the same directory as my CFM script. You can use a different location if you prefer.
3. Download and install the JavaLoader.cfc available at
Example: I installed the entire javaloader folder under the webroot
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Create the java jar that will be used from ColdFusion
A. Create a java project
- Open Eclipse > File > New Java Project
- Enter the name: iTextUtilities
- Click "Finish"
B. Add the iText jar to the project
- Project > Properties > Java Build Path
- Select "Add External Jars" and navigate to wherever you saved the iText jar and select it.
- Click "OK"
C. Create a package
- Right click the "src" folder > New Package
- Enter the name: itextutil
- Click "Finish"
D. Create the java class
- Right click the "itextutil" package > New Class
- Enter the Name: MyPageEvent
- Enter the Superclass: com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPageEventHelper
- Click "Finish"
- Paste in the java code
- Compile the class: Project > Clean
Warning: The package and class names are case sensitive. The instructions/example may not work if you change the case.
E. Create the java jar
- See Exporting/Importing JAR files for detailed instructions. You can use whatever name you wish for the jar. I used the name: itextutil.jar
A) Install the jar files
- Place the jar you created in step 1 AND the newer iText jar in a directory accessible to ColdFusion
Example: My jars are located here
B) Add the jars to the javaLoader
Example: I instantiated the JavaLoader in OnApplicationStart.
<cfset = "iTextExamples">
<cfset this.Sessionmanagement = true>
<cfset this.loginstorage = "session">
... other settings
<cffunction name="onApplicationStart">
<!--- note, this is actually a harcoded UUID value --->
<cfset MyUniqueKeyForJavaLoader = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
<!--- if we have not already created the javaLoader --->
<cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, MyUniqueKeyForJavaLoader)>
<!--- construct an array containing the full path to the jars you wish to load --->
<cfset pathArray = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset arrayAppend(pathArray, expandPath('/iTextExamples/iText-2.0.7.jar'))>
<cfset arrayAppend(pathArray, expandPath('/iTextExamples/itextUtil.jar'))>
<cflock scope="server" type="exclusive" timeout="10">
<!--- verify again the javaloader was not already created --->
<cfif NOT StructKeyExists(server, MyUniqueKeyForJavaLoader)>
<cfset server[MyUniqueKeyForJavaLoader] = createObject("component", "javaloader.JavaLoader").init(pathArray)>
... other functions
You should now be ready run the ColdFusion example ...Read More