Using Runtime.exec(), mencoder and cfthread
UPDATE: Finally I discovered how to successfully use mencoder or ffmpeg with cfexecute. You can find an example in Cfexecute, ffmpeg and mencoder - Mystery Solved. Though personally I still prefer using Runtime.exec(). The reason being it allows you to kill a process if it has run too long. As far as I know, you cannot do that with cfexecute.
In the entry using FFMPEG to convert video files to FLV format I talked about using Runtime.exec() from ColdFusion. Recently a poster on the forums mentioned they tried to use this technique with mencoder, but it failed on the windows o/s and cfexecute did not work either. Though they did mention they eventually got it working by using cfexecute on Ubuntu.
But their comment got me to wondering why the technique worked with ffmpeg.exe but not with mencoder.exe. So I went back to the article about pitfalls of working with Runtime.exec(). I downloaded the sample code, changed the command string to use mencoder instead, and it worked perfectly. So why did it fail when called from ColdFusion?
When I reviewed the output I noticed mencoder appeared to write alternately to the output and error streams. Note, I am deliberately using parameters that write to the error stream.
OUTPUT>Quicktime/MOV file format detected.
OUTPUT>[mov] Video stream found, -vid 0
OUTPUT>VIDEO: [SVQ1] 320x240 24bpp 15.000 fps 0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
OUTPUT>[V] filefmt:7 fourcc:0x31515653 size:320x240 fps:15.00 ftime:=0.0667
ERROR>** MUXER_LAVF *****************************************************************
ERROR>REMEMBER: MEncoder's libavformat muxing is presently broken and can generate
ERROR>INCORRECT files in the presence of B frames. Moreover, due to bugs MPlayer
ERROR>will play these INCORRECT files as if nothing were wrong!
OUTPUT>Opening video filter: [expand osd=1]
That is when I realized you must use separate threads to process the streams. Otherwise they may still block or deadlock. Originally I thought this was optional, because ffmpeg seemed to work perfectly without it. But I think the reason it worked for ffmpeg is that all of its output went to one stream: the error stream (Strange, I know). Since the CF code read the error stream first, there was no blocking. As mencoder is writing to both streams alternately, that explains why processing the streams sequentially did not work.
Enter cfthread
So I took the code in my previous entry and modified it to use cfthread to process the streams. (Though I could also have used the StreamGobbler.class, from the example.)
Since I want to wait for the threads to finish, I first defined a timeout limit. In this example the code will wait 90 seconds for the two threads to finish, but you can change the value as needed. The "commandString" variable just contains a call to mencoder with a few parameters. The commandString and ProcessStream function are shown at the end of this entry.
<!--- do not wait more than 90 seconds for the threads to complete --->
<cfset millisecondsToWait = 90 * 1000>
<cfset runtime = createObject("java", "java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime()>
<cfset process = runtime.exec(commandString)>
<!--- process output stream in one thread --->
<cfthread action="run" name="processOutput">
<cfset ProcessStream( process.getInputStream(), outLogPath )>
<!--- process error stream in another thread --->
<cfthread action="run" name="processError">
<cfset ProcessStream( process.getErrorStream(), errorLogPath )>
I then used "join" to wait for the threads to finish, or until the allotted time has elapsed.
<!--- wait for the threads to complete --->
<cfthread action="join" name="processOutput,processError" timeout="#millisecondsToWait#" />
Next, I check the status of the two threads. If they have not finished processing within the given amount of time, I terminate them rather than letting them continue to process.
<cfset wasTerminated = false>
<!--- kill output thread if not completed in allotted time --->
<cfif cfthread.processOutput.Status IS "RUNNING" OR cfthread.processOutput.Status IS "NOT_STARTED">
<cfthread action="terminate" name="processOutput" />
<cfset wasTerminated = true>
<!--- kill error thread if not completed in allotted time --->
<cfif cfthread.processError.Status IS "RUNNING" OR cfthread.processError.Status IS "NOT_STARTED">
<cfthread action="terminate" name="processError" />
<cfset wasTerminated = true>
<!--- give the termination a chance to complete --->
<cfset sleep(500) >
If the two threads were terminated, I also terminate the parent process. Using the Server Monitor Tool, I discovered the child threads would continue to run unless I terminated the parent process as well.
<!--- if the threads were terminated, forcibly kill the parent process --->
<cfif wasTerminated>
<cfset process.destroy()>
At this point the parent process should have completed normally or been forcibly terminated. So I obtain the final exit status by calling process.waitFor(). Technically I could call exitValue() instead, but I prefer to use waitFor(). Finally I use cfdump to display the results.
<!--- record the final status of the process --->
<cfset results.exitValue = process.waitFor()>
<cfset results.output = duplicate(cfthread.processOutput)>
<cfset results.error = duplicate(cfthread.processError)>
<!--- display results --->
<cfdump var="#results#">
As they say "that's all she wrote". These are just my observations using Runtime.exec() on windows o/s. Your results may differ. As always, any comments, corrections or suggestions are welcome :)
Complete Code
The parameters in the commandString below were selected specifically because they generate a warning message. They are not intended as an example of how to use mencoder! For proper usage information you should consult the mencoder documentation ;)
<cfset mencoderPath = "c:\bin\MPlayer-1.0rc2\mencoder.exe">
<cfset inputFilePath = "c:\bin\input\tenMegFile.mp4">
<cfset ouputFilePath = "c:\bin\temp\tenMegFile.flv">
<cfset outLogPath = "c:\bin\temp\tenMegFile_result.log">
<cfset errorLogPath = "c:\bin\temp\tenMegFile_error.log">
<!--- do not wait more than 90 seconds for the threads to complete --->
<cfset millisecondsToWait = 90 * 1000>
<cfset results = structNew()>
<!--- WARNING there is little rhyme or reason for these particular parameters --->
<!--- Check the mencoder documenation for proper usage information --->
<cfset commandString = mencoderPath &" "& inputFilePath & " -o "& ouputFilePath >
<cfset commandString = commandString &" -quiet -of lavf -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=56 -srate 22050 -ovc lavc">
<cfset commandString = commandString &" -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=500:mbd=2:mv0:trell:v4mv:cbp:last_pred=3">
<!--- do not wait more than 90 seconds for the threads to complete --->
<cfset millisecondsToWait = 90 * 1000>
<cfset runtime = createObject("java", "java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime()>
<cfset process = runtime.exec(commandString)>
<!--- process output stream in one thread --->
<cfthread action="run" name="processOutput">
<cfset ProcessStream( process.getInputStream(), outLogPath )>
<!--- process error stream in another thread --->
<cfthread action="run" name="processError">
<cfset ProcessStream( process.getErrorStream(), errorLogPath )>
<!--- wait for the threads to complete --->
<cfthread action="join" name="processOutput,processError" timeout="#millisecondsToWait#" />
<cfset wasTerminated = false>
<!--- kill output thread if not completed in allotted time --->
<cfif cfthread.processOutput.Status IS "RUNNING" OR cfthread.processOutput.Status IS "NOT_STARTED">
<cfthread action="terminate" name="processOutput" />
<cfset wasTerminated = true>
<!--- kill error thread if not completed in allotted time --->
<cfif cfthread.processError.Status IS "RUNNING" OR cfthread.processError.Status IS "NOT_STARTED">
<cfthread action="terminate" name="processError" />
<cfset wasTerminated = true>
<!--- Wait to make ensure the termination completes --->
<cfset sleep(500) >
<!--- if the threads were terminated, forcibly kill the parent process --->
<cfif wasTerminated>
<cfset process.destroy()>
<!--- record the final status of the process --->
<cfset results.exitValue = process.waitFor()>
<cfset results.output = duplicate(cfthread.processOutput)>
<cfset results.error = duplicate(cfthread.processError)>
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
<!--- show the results --->
<cfdump var="#results#">
ProcessStream Function
<cffunction name="processStream" access="public" output="true" returntype="void"
hint="Used to drain input/output streams of Runtime.exec(). Optionally write the stream to a file">
<cfargument name="in" type="any" required="true" hint=" object">
<cfargument name="logPath" type="string" required="false" default="" hint="Full path to log file">
<cfset var Local = structNew()>
Local.sendToLogFile = false;
// if the results should be logged, create a writer to generate the output file
if ( len(trim(arguments.logPath)) ) {
Local.out = createObject("java", "").init( arguments.logPath );
Local.writer = createObject("java", "").init( Local.out );
Local.sendToLogFile = true;
Local.reader = createObject("java", "").init( );
Local.buffered = createObject("java", "").init( Local.reader );
Local.line = Local.buffered.readLine();
while ( structKeyExists(Local, "line") ) {
// if logged, write each line of the stream to the output file
if (Local.sendToLogFile) {
Local.writer.println( Local.line );
Local.line = Local.buffered.readLine();
// if logged, close the output file when finished
if (Local.sendToLogFile) {
Hi. I'm the guy who made the original post on the Adobe forum about this. I am back on the project, and I'm using your code above to try and flush real-time output of Mencoder progress to an Ajax progress bar. I can't use CFEXECUTE since it does not flush real-time (trust me, I've tried, and IMHO this is something Adobe should work on for CF9).
The only problem I'm having with my code is that I have to process the whole CFC (which contains your function) inside a thread, and since your code has its own threads, I get an error about child threads not being allowed.
Do you have any advice for how to get around this? Is there a Java equvilent of cfthread I can use?
Fyi, I am using tokens to extract the mencoder percentage output and then writing these to an application variable. Then the Ajax progress bar simply pings the application variable every second to see where it's at.
The problem with all the other cfscript runtime examples I've seen is they don't properly consume the process so you get those nasty "java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException: process has not exited" messages. Even if you trap those, that message is actually biting into the character stream and messing up my ability to capture all the data correctly, and where it bites into the stream is not always predictable. Your way of handling it is the only one I've found that gets around this so kudos to you.
Thanks a lot for advice on getting around the child thread error, or suggesting another way!
P.S. The exact error is "THREAD1: Thread PROCESSOUTPUT cannot be created. Child threads are not supported."
Hi again.
Interesting problem.
But first, can I ask what is the reasoning behind processing the entire cfc inside a cfthread. Is it really necessary?
Assuming it is, the java equivalent would be java.lang.Thread. (I imagine cfthread is just a wrapper for java.lang.Thread behind the scenes). So you could certainly use java Thread's in ColdFusion. However, it works a little differently.
You would need to write a separate java class that extends java.lang.Thread. That class would perform the same work as the "processStream" function (but in a separate thread). You would then call that class from ColdFusion using createObject. Take a look at the javaworld article mentioned above. It contains a good example of such a class. It is called: StreamGobbler
That said, I have not given any thought to possible issues or conficts. So that is something you would definitely want to reasearch and test. In theory the idea should work. But I suspect bad things might happen if handled incorrectly ;-)
Thanks for the quick response. I actually found a workaround last night. Isn't it funny how this works? Google like crazy, cry for help on the blogs, then find my own solution through trial and error. :)
To answer your question, calling cfc's inside a thread is very common, and this is no exception. The ajax progress meter lives on the same page that is calling the cfc (it doesn't have to I guess, but for now it does), so it needs that cfc to kick off, allowing the rest of the page to run and start the ajax.
My work around involved removing your cfthreads from the equation. You are using them here to process BOTH the input and error stream simultaneously. But if you use the magic "2>&1" switch on the end of the command line you can combine the error steam with the input stream, eliminating the need to process them separately via thread. This works perfectly with mencoder (I don't know about ffmpeg, but mencoder is better anyway IMO).
So my process now looks like this. I am able to parse the progress, and get the optimal bitrate from my first pass using a constant quantizer then pass that bitrate into the second pass in a subsequent call (not shown).
script = executeRealTime("cmd.exe /c c:\mplayer\mencoder.exe c:\mplayer\video.rm -o c:\mplayer\video.flv -oac mp3lame -lameopts q=9:mode=3 -srate 22050 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vqscale=10:mbd=2:trell:v4mv:last_pred=3:vpass=1:turbo -mc 1 -ofps 30 -of lavf -vf harddup 2>&1")
function executeRealTime(script) {
var Local = structNew();
var runtime = CreateObject("java","java.lang.Runtime").getRuntime();
var thread = CreateObject("java", "java.lang.Thread");
var process = runtime.exec(script);
Local.reader = createObject("java", "").init( process.getInputStream() );
Local.buffered = createObject("java", "").init( Local.reader );
Local.line = Local.buffered.readLine();
while ( structKeyExists(Local, "line") ) {
try {
Local.line = Local.buffered.readLine();
if (Local.line contains "Pos:"){
token = (TRIM(GetToken(GetToken(Local.line, 2, '('), 1, '%')));
application.progress = token;
writeOutput(token); //optional
if (Local.line contains "Video stream:"){
bitrate = (NumberFormat(TRIM(GetToken(GetToken(Local.line, 2, ':'), 1, 'k'))));
application.vpass1 = bitrate;
writeOutput(bitrate); //optional
writeOutput(Local.line & "
"); //optional
}catch (Any e){}
Oh. I thought you had already tried the the 2>&1 switch with cfexecute. It is described in the link at the top of this post ;-)
Glad you have it working now!
Yes, I checked that out but unfortunately you can't flush real-time output from CFEXECUTE! That limitation removes the prospect of having any fun with Ajax. :)
What I was getting at is that the 2>&1 switch applies to cmd.exe. So if it works using cfexecute it will work with Runtime.exec because Runtime.exec just invokes cmd.exe anyway (on windows).
I think I was a bit brain dead yesterday, so it sounded as if you could not use that for whatever reason .. but I am glad that is cleared up now ;-)
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