Sunday, February 1, 2009

How to install the POI 3.5 beta on ColdFusion 8 using JavaLoader.cfc

In a previous entry I wrote about the new POI 3.5 beta that supports ooxml files. Here are some updated instructions on installing POI (3.5 beta 4) on ColdFusion 8 with the JavaLoader.cfc.

You can download a sample Application.cfc file, and other CF + POI samples, using the file downloads widget on the top right menu.

How to install POI (3.5 beta4 or later)

1. Download POI (3.5 beta4 or later) from Extract the files to the desired directory.

I extracted the POI files and copied the entire "poi-3.5-beta4" directory (including subfolders) beneath my webroot. Most of the jars and subfolders are needed to properly use POI. One exception is "\poi-3.5-beta4\docs\", which contains documentation.

Your directory structure should be similar to the list below:

c:\coldfusion8\wwwroot\poi-3.5-beta4\docs\*.* (subdirectory)
c:\coldfusion8\wwwroot\poi-3.5-beta4\lib\*.* (subdirectory)
c:\coldfusion8\wwwroot\poi-3.5-beta4\ooxml-lib\*.* (subdirectory)

2. Download the JavaLoader.cfc, available at Extract the files and copy the entire javaLoader folder to your webroot.

I copied the entire JavaLoader folder (including subfolders) under the webroot.

C:\coldfusion8\wwwroot\javaloader\lib\*.* (subdirectory)

3. Instantiate the JavaLoader

Due to a java bug that causes a memory leak, I store my JavaLoader in the server scope. This is done inside my Application.cfc file. (To read more about the java issue see: Using a Java URLClassLoader in CFMX Can Cause a Memory Leak.)

Below is an example of my Application.cfc file. Since the new version of POI requires several jar files, I am using cfdirectory to generate the array of jar files for the JavaLoader, rather than typing out each path manually. Just update the cfdirectory path (if needed) and replace the #application.myJavaLoaderKey# value with your own UUID. Then you are ready to use the new POI beta.

Update 2009-01-15: Changed server scoped lock to named lock in Application.cfc


// get a reference to the javaLoader
<cfset javaLoader = server[application.myJavaLoaderKey]>
// create an object
<cfset wb = javaLoader.create("org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook")>

Do not forget to update the cfdirectory path (if needed) and replace the #application.myJavaLoaderKey# value with your own UUID.

<cfset = "POIBeta_Examples">
<cfset this.Sessionmanagement = true>
<cfset this.loginstorage = "session">

<cffunction name="onApplicationStart" output="false">

<cfset var jarPaths = arrayNew(1)>
<cfset var getJarFiles = "" >
<cfset var getFilePaths = "" >
<cfset var filePathList = "">

<!--- use a unique hard coded key to store the javaLoader in the server structure ---->
<!--- the xxxx is actually a hardcoded UUID value. replace this value with your own UUID ---->
<cfset application.myJavaLoaderKey = "xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx_javaloader">

<!--- list all jars within the "poi-3.5-beta4" directory (and its subdirectories) --->
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#ExpandPath('/poi-3.5-beta4/')#" name="getJarFiles" recurse="true" filter="*.jar">

<!--- construct the full file paths for all jar files --->
<cfquery name="getFilePaths" dbtype="query">
SELECT Directory +'/'+ Name AS FilePath
FROM getJarFiles

<!--- if the javaLoader was not created yet --->
<cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, application.myJavaLoaderKey)>
<!--- create an array of jar file paths --->
<cfset filePathList = replace( valueList(getFilePaths.FilePath, "|"), "\", "/", "all")>
<cfset jarPaths = listToArray(filePathList, "|")>

<!--- create an instance of the JavaLoader and store it in the server scope --->
<cflock name="#Hash(myJavaLoaderKey)#" type="exclusive" timeout="10">
<!--- re-verify it was not created yet --->
<cfif NOT structKeyExists(server, application.myJavaLoaderKey)>
<cfset server[application.myJavaLoaderKey] = createObject("component", "javaloader.JavaLoader").init( jarPaths )>




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